Homeopathic medicine for Hand foot and mouth disease

‍Homeopathic medicine for Hand foot and mouth disease


Hand, foot, and mouth disease is highly contagious in children. There are several types of enterovirus genus, but most commonly, the coxsackievirus causes hand, foot, and mouth disease. This disease can spread from person to person through direct contact with the infected person’s nasal and throat secretions, saliva, or stool.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is identified by blisters or sores in the mouth and a rash on the hand and feet, sometimes extending to the genitals and buttocks, causing itchiness.

While this infection can impact individuals of all ages, it primarily affects the infected person’s nasal And throat secretions, saliva, Or stool. Hand, foot, and Mouth disease is identified by blisters or sores in the Mouth and a rash on the Hand and feet, sometimes extending to the genitals And buttocks, causing Itchiness.

While this infection Can impact individuals of all Ages, it primarily affects Children under the age of 5, With rare cases occurring in Adults. Typically, it’s a mild Condition that resolves Without medical intervention Within a few days to a week

And seldom necessitates Hospitalization.

What causes Hand, Foot & Mouth?

Hand, Foot & Mouth disease is a contagious illness caused by the Coxsackievirus or

Enterovirus which are viruses that can live in your child’s digestive tract including their:

• Mouth

• Oesophagus

• Stomach

  • Anus


What are the signs & symptoms?

Symptoms of Hand Foot & Mouth – runny nose

Normally hand, foot & mouth symptoms appears in two stages as listed below:

In the initial stages there are flu like symptoms and your child may have:

• A fever

• A sore throat

• Stomach ache

• Loss of appetite

• Runny nose

The second stage (which is normally a few days into the illness) the initial symptomscommonly go away and new symptoms will appear which may include:

• Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

• Blistery painful sores around the mouth and on the tongue

• An itchy and sometimes very painful rash on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, elbows,

Homeopathic medicine for Hand foot amd mouth disease


Nat mur is highly effective medicine for skin blisters in hand foot and mouth disease . Blisters contain watery fluid.The fluid is clear,pricking ,sticking and stinging sensation may appear.

Rhus tox

Rhustox acts well in cases of hand foot and mouth disease with blisters that are itchy. The blisters may be filled with clear water,yellow fluid and milky fluid.The skin surrounding the blisters is markedly red.The blisters are sore to touch.Itching in blisters are worse in midnight .


Sulphur is highly indicated medicine for treating skin rash in hand foot and mouth disease.Rashes may be itchy.Itching tends to get worse in the evening and the night time.Scraching leads to bleeding.Burning appears in skin rash on rubbing and skin may be pain ful too


Pain in the throat with marked burning sensation is a significant indicating for using Phytolacca .The throat is inflamed ,and appears dark red and bluish red.The throat is rough and dry .


Graphitis is effective remedy for skin rash in hand foot and Mouth disease.Affected skin is dry ,rough and may be cracked too.Skin is raw and sore.It is effective for blisters on skin with oozing of sticky ,gelatinous and honey like discharges.

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