PCOS is a hormonal condition that affects a large number of women nowadays. PCOS  affects the ovaries creating hormonal imbalance and a slew of medical and psychological issues although it is common among women throughout their children’s age from 15 to 44 it is a lifelong health problem that lasts much beyond those years

PCOS is a significant issue that many people overlook. PCOS cannot be treated but there are techniques to manage it so that the adverse effects on one’s body are minimized

Symptoms of P C O S

  • Missed period irregular periods are very light periods
  • Ovaries that are large or have many cysts
  • Extra body hair including chest stomach and back
  • weight gain  especially around the belly
  • Acne or oily skin
  • Male pattern baldness or thinning hair
  • Infertility
  • Small pieces of extra skin on the neck or armpits
  • Dark or thick skin patches on the back of the neck in the armpits and under the breast

Homeopathic medicines for PCOD


It is the suitable remedy for treating female health-related problems. It is prescribed when there are irregular periods heavy or scanty menses, suppressed menses, and dysmenorrhea

Patients of pulsatilla have derangement at puberty. The girl  at puberty may develop PCOD-like symptoms. There is  irregular flow of masses or suppressed messages after getting the feet wet


It is one of the effective remedies for menstrual irregularities and hormonal disorders like PCOD and thyroid. Graphitis  is prescribed to women who are inclined to obesity and suffer from habitual constipation with a history of lead men’s

Mental symptoms

The graphitis patients are sad despondent and timid and new music makes her beep there is a constant thought of dead and music in is intolerable for them


It is one of the polycrest remedies and has action on almost every part of the body. It is highly effective medicine in treating problems associated with females

Mental symptoms

The Sepia Lady is very indifferent and shows the least interest in anything. Indifferent even to her family member’s, occupation and whom she loves the most


It can be indicated in cases of dysmenorrhea metorrhagia and amenorrhea that results in sterility of women.

The platinum patient is hysterical alternately gay and sad. There is marked superiority complex in the patients of pLatina which confirms its prescription, they are also very arrogant proud and haughty

Apis mell

It can be prescribed when the patients complains about burning pain in the stomach the medicine can be prescribed in cases of enlargement or dropsy of the right ovary resulting in menstrual irregularities and painful menses.

The main  indication of this medicine is extreme sensitivity to touch thirstlessness and puffiness over edema of the body


It is a very effective homeopathic medicine usually given in cases of cyst formation, Water excrete senses, sponsitumers and Pondilomas the main action of this medicine is on the skin and genito urinary organ

Mental symptoms

The patients of thuja are minded people they have a fixed idea and they are firm on it, they are very emotional and sensitive people and music makes them weep

Apart from these medicines, there are also other medicines which act best for P C O D


Auram mur Natronatum


calc carb


Causes of PCOS

Doctors don’t know exactly what causes PCOS. Believe that high level of androgen harmones prevent the ovaries from producing harmoons and making eggs normally. Genes, insulin resistance and inflammation have all been linked to excess androgen production


Studies show that Psoos runs in families its likely that many jeans not just one contribute to the condition

Insulin resistance

Up to 70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance meaning that their cells can’t use insulin properly. Insulin is harmonious the pancreas produces to help the body use sugar from foods for energy. When cells can’t use insulin properly the body’s demand for insulin increases the pancreas makes more insulin to compensate. Extra insulins triggers the ovaries to produce more male hormones. This is a major cause of insulin resistance both obesity and insulin resistance can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes


Woman with PCOS often have increased levels of inflammation in their body being overweight can also contribute to inflammation

Conventional treatment for PCOD

There is no permanent cure for PCOD  and the only symptoms are relieved laser treatment is recommended for excessive hair growth acne creams and hormonal therapies are some of the other available conventional treatments these therapies do not guarantee conception or complete free ovaries


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