Hello everyone,Welcome to my blog Drhomeoexpert. Are you suffering from strep throat infection so here we suggest you some of the best homeopathic remedies for strep throat infection.

what is strep throat infection

Strep throat is a disease caused by streptococcal bacterial infection. Streptococcus pyrogens is responsible for strep throat. It is more common in children and teens. This leads to inflammation and soreness in the throat of tonsils. This condition is highly contagious and passes from one person to another through touch, cough, sneezing which contain droplet of streptococcus pyogenic. Homeopathic medicines work wonders in this condition.

Symptoms of strep throat 

  1. Pain in throat
  2. Difficulty in swallowing
  3. Headache, fever, red and inflamed throat and tonsils
  4. Sometimes there is pus points noted in the tonsils.
  5. Tender lymph nodes are present.
  6. Nausea and vomiting especially in younger children.
  7. body ache.

Best homeopathic medicine for strep throat infection

so here are some best  remedies .

*Bryonia :- Pricking In throat on swallowing and turning head. Swelling and dryness in the back of Throat.

Throat feels dry and draw on empty swallowing. Fever with or without thirst.

Painful swallowing as if a hard body were sticking in the throat.

Irritable mood, chilliness and feeling of coldness. the patient is very ill humored irritable and inclined to be angry.

constant motion of left arm and leg weakness of mind as if he would faint. There is great anxiety and mental depression.


*Belladonna: – Bright red highly inflamed throat, mostly on right side, dryness of mouth and throat with thirst, Violent fever and burning heat.

Shooting pain in throat when swallowing turning head or breathing, dry cough follicular tonsillitis.

Spasm of throat on attempting to swallow.

Tonsils covered with little ulcer.

Violet fever and burning heat, Contraction and operation of throat impeding deglutition speech and respiration enlargement of the cervical gland and stiff neck.


Pulsatilla: – Lancinating pain on Swallowing. Pressure in throat. Sensation of swelling in uvula, during or without swallowing sensation of roughness and pain in throat.
Throat is inflamed bluish. Red, throat dry Aggravation in morning with tough mucus in throat ,foetid breath and dry cough.
The patient is fearful of ghost in the evening’ dread of men’s tremulous anguish as if death were near bad effects from suppressed menses.


Hepar sulph:-Pricking sensation in throat, as if pins are splinters sticking in throat, extending to ears while yawning smarting roughness and rawness of fauces

Aggravation when swallowing solid food heat and scrapping in throat with constant expectoration of mucus aggravation in the evening when it becomes violent and agonizing pressure in throat as form of plug with danger of suffocation great sensitiveness to pain to atmospheric changes too cold and the slightest drought aggravation by heat swelling of tonsils and cervical glands ulcer in throat cause breath to smell like old cheese.


Silicia: – Tough slime in forces tonsils swollen each effort to swallow distorts face pricking in throat as from a pin, causing cough throat feels as if filled up as if he could not swallow.

frequent cough bringing up white frothy saltish mucus aggravation towards evening swallowing difficult as from paralysis of vellum food get easily into a choir neck and is ejected through a nose suppurating tonsils failed to heal.


Sulphur: – strong heat in larynx and mouth separation of ovula and tonsils or a sensation of elongation of uvula sensation of swelling and pressure in throat as if from a body lodged in throat especially on swallowing and respiring

lancinating pain and spasmodic contraction in throat as if swallowing were impossible dry coryza, persistent hoarseness or aphonia dyspnea and contraction of chest,

swelling of cervical gland constant desire to swallow, saliva hold back part posterior of palatine arches ulcerated.


Lycopodium: – Swelling and suppression of tonsils going from right to left, chronic enlargement or ulceration of tonsils fauces brownish red, aggravation from hot drinks which feel grateful,

amelioration from cold drinks and after sleep pharynx, feel contracted nothing can be swallowed Hawking of bloody mucus or of hard greenish yellow phlegm feeling as if a ball rose from below into the throat,

feeling as of a hard body in esophagus no thirst or thirst with disgust for drinks, one side of neck stiff and swollen depression and internal debility glandular swelling syphilitic ulceration of throat.

In today’s article I have suggested you some best homeopathic remedies for strep throat infection. Feel free to share your feedback if you have any issue or any kind of question you can comment below thank you.




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