If you are suffering from chronic fatigue, insomnia and depressed mood,you might have a thought of Am I suffering from adrenal dysfunction?here in this article, I will clear your all queries regarding adrenal dysfunction and homeopathic remedies for adrenal dysfunction

ADRENAL GLANDSwhat adrenal dysfunction?

Adrenal dysfunction is a disorder that occurs when body don’t make enough of certain hormones. This includes cortisol,sometimes called the stress hormone which is very essential for life.

Functions of adrenal gland.

Your adrenal gland has two jobs the first is to make it in a line of harmone your body creates in times of stress but the more important job is making 2 steroid hormones which is cortisol and aldosterone cortisol also helps your body with stress

Control your blood pressure and go heart rate

Controls how your immune system deals with viruses bacteria and other threats

Puts more sugar in your blood stream to give your energy

Aldosterone keeps the sodium and potassium in your blood balanced which helps control your blood pressure and the balance of fluid in your body when there is some insufficiency of this hormone the body has trouble with these basic functions that causing of symptom of adrenal insufficiency fatigue muscle weakness low appetite weight loss and belly pain among others


Symptoms of adrenal dysfunction


  • Allergies
  • Apathy
  • Increased susceptibility to infection
  • insomnia
  • poor recovery from exercise
  • chemical sensitivity
  • depressed mood
  • low sex drive

homeopathic remedies for adrenal dysfunction.

Phosphorus– Great Depression of Spirits. The patient has fearfulness as if something was creeping out of every corner, great tendency to start ,dread of death when alone excited produces heat all over. Hearing difficult, especially to human voice , swelling in necrosis of lower jaw, throws up in just about the mouthfuls, vomiting water is thrown as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. There is a lack of power in males’ impotence in females there is nymphomania  has become numb, joint suddenly giveaway

Arsenic– It is well medicine for degenerating changes, gradual loss of weight from impaired nutrition, septic infections, and low vitality there is great restlessness, changes place continuously fear of being death of being a left alone hallucination of smell and sight, cannot be at the site and smell of food, great thirst drinks much but little at a time

gelsemium -This is useful for those suffering from slow pulse tired feeling as well as mental apathy .Usually one does experience muscular weakness drowsiness and even dizziness, one experiences sensitivity to falling barometric pressure ,damp weather aggravates certain symptoms, the patient feels lethargic and dull

Graphites– The patient is unable to decide, does not feel like waking .One Fidgets while sitting at work it is also be used for skin affections the patient is fat chilly constipated with delayed menstrual history and suffers from cold it helps treat the sexual disability

Nux vomica– It is helpful to the patients who suffer from low cortisol in the morning and at night time they are wide awake and not tired at all this make it difficult to go to bed early like one is supposed to for adrenal fatigue nux can also help in bringing down cortisol  to allow you to fall sleep–

Calc ars– There is great anger and anxiety the patient’s desire for company, the patient is confused delusion illusion and  Great Depression slightest emotion causes palpitation pulse with a feeble heart chilliness in patient worse from slight exertion

Adrenaline– It is the best medicine which adds on the adrenaline and causes stimulation of sympathetic nerve ending. It acts well in Addison’s disease, acute urticaria. Sensational thoracic construction with anxiety abdominal pain shock of heart or heart failure due to anesthesia, it was a prompt rise in the blood pressure by its action of nerve weddings in the vessel wall

Conclusion-I hope you got the answer you are searching for.if you have any queries regarding the post feel

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