Hello Everyone, in this article we are going to discuss about the best homeopathic medicine for white discharge in small girls

Worried about the white  discharge in your  young girl, So in this post we’re going to discuss what are the causes that  young girls has problem of white discharge and how to treat it with the help of homeopathic medicine

What is vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is fluid that comes from the vagina you may see it on the toilet paper when you wipe over in your underwear.

Symptoms of white discharge

  • Vagina’s symptoms include discharge bleeding and pain
  • The symptoms of Vulva include itching and pain while passing urine
  • Itching in the genital area with pain, rash and  swelling

Causes of Genital Symptoms in young Girls

Poor hygiene– Improper rinsing  the genitals can also cause itching, any stool particles left on the vulva is very irritating this can happen with loose stools or back-to-front wiping, it is also seen in children when they leak stool because they are blocked traces of sand or dirt may  do the same

soap – soaps can also cause the area to be read sore and itchy, bubble bath are the most common cause of genital itching

Pinworms – sometimes an adult PIN worm will also travel into the vagina the pinwhom secretions are very irritating this leads to intense itching and white discharge in young girls

vaginitis– vaginitis is a bacterial infection of the vagina the main symptom is a yellow discharge the most common cause of Indian girls in young girls is streptococci which is also responsible for sore throat vagina discharge from STD .sexually transmitted infection is rare before the teen years

Vaginal foreign object– Young girls may put an object such as beet in the vagina this can be a part of normal behavior as young girls explore their bodies it will cause bad smelling discharge if the object is sharp the discharge will be blood-tinged

Skin rash – most skin brushes

Bladder infection– Bladder infection is common in young girls because the urethra is so short ,the main symptom is pain and burning while passing urine ,and from contact with some irritant, the irritant is open on dirty hands because not washing them before using the toilet.

Homeopathic medicines for vaginal discharge in small girls.

CAL Carb– It’s very well in your vagina discharge in little girls

Peculiar symptoms- Craving for indigestible things such as chalk coal pencils also for eggs sour and sweet aversion to milk loss of appetite the patient is forgetful, confused, there is anxiety with perspiration, fear of loss of reason aversion to work or exertion diarrhea in children burning and itching of the genital area.

Aggravated by cold air and washing

Ameliorated by lying on painful side

Borax– It is the best remedy for quiet discharge when it is white of an egg sensation as if warm water is flowing

Peculiar symptoms- Dead of downward motion while going downstairs or rapidly downhill ,patient is easily frightened by slightest noise patient is anxious leucorrhea is copious aluminum and hot, girls scream before urination. the patient is hot,                           over sensitive children

Aggravation from downward motion before urination and sudden slight noise

Relief from pressure holding painful side with hands

Cina– Best remedy for leucorrhoea in small girls and infants if the mental symptoms match

Peculiar symptom – the person desire for sweets and indigestible things, canine hunger with alternative loss of appetite the marked feature running through cina is a touchiness mentally and physically, mental touchiness is manifested by irritability whereas physical touchiness is marked by the sensitiveness in the skin scalp hands and feet The baby constantly irritated even carrying does not give relief to the patient. Accompanied by  worm troubles

Aggravation by taking sweets after anger and overeating

Release by lying on the abdomen

Sepia– It is the best remedy it acts on female genital organs And when the leucorrhea is yellowish greenish with much itching and acrid leucorrhoea

Peculiar symptoms- the main symptom of patients is indifference. indifferent to everything to her own occupation to members of her own family whom she loved the most with her own domestic and personal affairs the patient is very much irritable

she cannot narrate her symptoms without weeping, she does not want to do anything either to work or play or cannot afford to think, the patient is very much greedy miserly and absent-minded, memory is very weak unable to recollect  thoughts

The patient is very chilly . Desire for acids pickles sweets and aversion to the smell of food milk meat and                                              tobacco

Aggravation by washing laundry work,morning and evening

Relief by exercise warmth of bed pressure cold bathing

Saraca Indica q – Leucorrhea of small girls who become weak and emaciated in spite of good food and regular  nourishment

Dose- 10 drops in half cup of water two times a day.




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