Calc Sulph

Calc sulph is one of the 12 tissue remedies by Schussler .

It is the best medicine for abscess ,Carbuncle ,Eczema fistula,Haemorrhage tonsillitis and ulcer.

It acts on liver ,mucus, membrane ,skin connective, tissue and glands.


Tendency to information of access in the body in any place

Desire for fruit green sour vegetables and tea

Inflammation of the eyes with the  discharge of thick yellow matter.

Tongue is flabby with yellow coating at the base of the tongue.

The presence of pus with vent.

The skin is unhealthy ulcers. Do not heal rapidly.

Absence is painful about the anus in case of fistula.


Mucus discharges are yellow, thick and lumpy.

Burning and itching of soles of feet.

Yellowish discharge from posterior nose

Pimple and pustules on the face.

Head  -Scaled head of children if there is purulent discharge or yellow purulent crust.

Eyes -Inflammation of eyes with discharge of thick yellow matter .Sees only half of an object cornea is smoky  Ophthalmia neonatorum

Ears- Deafness, with discharge of matter from the middle ear sometime. Mix with blood pimples around the ear.

Nose -Cold in the head with thick yellowish purulent secretion frequently tinged with blood ,one-sided discharge from the nose.Yellowish discharge from the posterior nares, edges of nostril sore

Face -Pimple  and pustules on the face,  herpes.

Mouth-The lips inside are sore, tongue flabby, resembling a layer of dried clay. Sore throat, yellow coating at the base.

Throat-Last stage of ulcerated sore throat with discharge of yellow matter,suppurating stage of tonsillitis when the abscess is discharging.

Abdomen. Pain in the liver region on the right side of pelvis, followed by weakness, nausea and pain in the stomach.

Stool. Purulent diarrhoea mixed with blood. Diarrhoea after Maple sugar and from change in weather.Pus like slimy discharge from the bowels .Painfull abscess around the anus in case of fistula

Female-Menses are late, long, lasting with headache, twitching and great weakness.

Respiratory-cough with purulent sanious sputa and hectic fever .Empyema  performation in the lungs and plural cavities. Purulent Sainious Expectoration. Catarrh with the thick, lumpy whitish yellow.

Skin- Cuts, wounds, bruises etc. There is unhealthy discharging pus, they do not heal readily, yellow purulent crust or discharges PURULENT exudation in or upon the skin. skin affection with yellowish scabs. Many little materless pimples under the hair, bleeding when scratched ,dry eczema in children.

Mental General

Changeable mood,sudden loss of memory.Absent minded and irritable .Anxious ,better in open air .

The patient becomes weak after anger and vexation

.Aversion to answering question he is easily made anxious especially in the evening in bed during the night and when lying.

Anxiety with fear during fever and about the future anxious about his heart and his health and in general .

Anxiety is ameliorated in the open air

Extreme irritability in the evening irritability after coiton ,.lamenting because he is not duly appreciated ,loathing of life Malicious. This remedy is especially useful in broken down constitution from drunkenness

Mental depression in the morning with mirthfulness in the evening ,sadness during perspiration dullness of the senses, sits and meditates over imaginary misfortune does not want to be talked to easily started stupifying suspicion suspicious indisposed to talk.



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