Pregnancy can be challenging, no matter how much support you have. Morning sickness can be one of the most frustrating parts of the early months of pregnancy.
Nobody wants to feel sick, but you may feel reluctant to reach for the medication (even over the counter) since you have a life growing inside you.
You don’t have to suffer through morning sickness, there are homeopathic remedies that can greatly help ebb the nausea that often comes with the first trimester of pregnancy.
If you are curious about the early months of pregnancy. Nobody wants to feel sick, but you may feel reluctant to reach for the medication (even over the counter) since you have a life growing inside you.
You don’t have to suffer through morning sickness, there are homeopathic remedies that can greatly help the nausea that often comes with the first trimester of pregnancy.
If you are curious about the natural, homeopathic remedies that can help you overcome your morning sickness, this post will outline a few of the top options for hyperemesis gravidarum
What is morning sickness?
Morning sickness is nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It’s a common condition affecting up to 70% of pregnant people in the first trimester of pregnancy (the first three months). Despite its name, “morning” sickness can happen at any time of the day.
There are various at-home treatments for morning sickness, including diet and lifestyle changes. Some 70% of pregnant people in the first trimester of pregnancy (the first three months). Despite its name, “morning” sickness can happen at any time of the day.
There are various at-home treatments for morning sickness, including diet and lifestyle changes. Some obstetricians recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications for nausea.
Symptoms tend to improve by the second trimester (beginning at 14 weeks) for most people.
Causes of morning sickness
There’s no one cause of morning sickness during pregnancy, and severity varies among women.Increased hormone levels during the first few weeks of pregnancy is among the most common
- Reduced blood sugar is another common cause of morning sickness.
- Other factors can worsen morning sickness. These include
- Having twins or triplets
- excessive fatigue
- emotional stress
- frequent traveling
Morning sickness can vary between pregnancies. While you may have had severe morning sickness during one pregnancy, in future pregnancies it may be very mild
1.Aletris far-it is best remedy for obstinate vomiting during pregnancy. There is extreme disgust for food, gagging by the thought and site of food.
Nausea is aggravated by coffee,by dinner
2.Nux vom-it is also very good remedy ,symptoms are flatulence,tongue is coated , aggravation by eating in the morning, the patient is chilly and tongue is coated.
the patient is peevish, stubborn , and oversensitiveness to light , noise, and touch
3. IPECAC-Nausea with a constant desire to vomit, nausea by the smell of food , mouth moist and tongue clean
there is profuse salivation and constant spitting.
4. Arsenic -vomiting worse after eating and drinking, patient is restless,great thirst for small quantity of water
5. CARBO VEG-Nausea in the morning with weak digestion is very marked in this remedy
6Colchicum-The smell of food causes nausea to the point of fainting
Lifestyle and home remedies
To help relieve morning sickness:
- Choose foods carefully.
- Select foods that are high in protein, low in fat and easy to digest. Avoid greasy, spicy and fatty foods.
3.Bland foods, such as bananas, rice, applesauce and toast may be easy to digest.
Salty foods might be helpful, as are foods that contain ginger – such as ginger lollipops.
4.Snack often. Before getting out of bed in the morning, eat a few soda crackers or a piece of dry toast.
5. Nibble throughout the day, rather than eating three larger meals. You don’t want to get too full, but an empty stomach can also make nausea worse
6. Drink plenty of fluids. Sip water, real ginger ale or ginger tea. Try to drink 6 to 8 cups of fluids without caffeine each day.
7. Pay attention to nausea triggers. Avoid foods or smells that seem to make your nausea worse.
8.Take care with prenatal Vitamins. If you feel queasy after taking prenatal vitamins, take the vitamins with a snack or just before bed. Or try chewable or gummy versions of the vitamins.
òIf these steps don’t help, ask your healthcare provider about other ways you can get the iron andvitamins you need during pregnancy.
I hope this article helps you a lot ,if you have any doubt or question,feel free to comment us