What Causes Acid Reflux/ Indigestion?
Acid reflux is a common problem and happens when the sphincter muscles at the lower end of your oesophagus relax at the wrong time, which allows stomach acid to enter your oesophagus.
Acid reflux is the backflow of stomach contents into the oesophagus.
The term Acidity encompasses the following common symptoms.
• Heartburn
• Nausea & vomiting
• Sour eructation
• Bloated abdomen
• Regurgitations
• Associated headaches
• Belching and flatus
• Dysphagia
• Hiccups
• Weight loss
The Main Cause of Heartburn
To understand GERD, one will have to first understand how our esophagus (food pipe)
and stomach handle food and acid. As the food reaches the lower end of the food pipe, a circular muscle (the LES or lower esophageal sphincter) present around the food pipe
opens up and allows the food to enter the stomach. Once it enters the stomach, this muscle closes the lower end of the food pipe.
This actually behaves like a one-way valve stopping the food and the acid in the stomach from moving back into the esophagus.
In Gerd, this valve relaxes abnormally or weakens, so the stomach acid
flows back up into your esophagus very frequently, causing repeated attacks of heartburn.
Homeopathic Medicines for Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and GERD
The conventional treatment for GERD involves the use of antacids,
which work by changing the pH of the stomach acid to make it less acidic.
This helps decrease the irritation caused by the acid to the stomach, esophagus or the duodenum
Use of antacids for an extended duration can cause side effects like gas, belching,
constipation, diarrhea, and swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles. Antacids also
interfere with nutrient absorption. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which are used to
reduce the production of stomach acid are known to deplete vitamin B12 body.
This can further affect th nervous system, cause fatigue,shortness of breath, and loss of vision.
The amount of antacids used, and the duration of their use can affect the electrolyte balance in the body.
Any changes in the levels of different electrolytes (like calcium,potassium or sodium) can adversely affect the muscle and nerve function.
Further, aluminum-based antacids Can weaken the bones by flushing out salts like phosphate
and calcium.
Homeopathy, on the other hand, Works gently to minimize the symptoms
of GERD and treats the root cause of the problem. Homeopathy can be of great help to
those who do not show much improvement even after lifestyle modifications.
Lifestyle Modifications for Treatment of Acidity
• Avoid foods and beverages that cause acidity.
• Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
• Reduce weight if overweight.
• Raise the Head of the Bed.
• Change Eating and Sleeping Habits. Avoid lying down for two hours after eating. Do
not eat for at least two hours before bedtime.
• Avoid Tight Clothing.
Homeopathic Medicies for Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and GERD
It is well suited to forgetful confused aversion to work or exertion people who cannot bear the sight or smell of food there is great thirst Drink much but little at a time Burning pain in stomach. Gastralgia after slightest food or drink
dyspepsia-From vinegar acids, ice water and tobacco, Small offensive dark stool with marked prostration
mentally the patient is very restless changes places continuously, fear of being death or being left alone
WORSE cold drinks for food
Relief from warm drinks
Cal Carb –
The characteristic symptoms of patients of CalC are cramps in the stomach ravenous hunger frequent sour eructation sour vomiting. sour taste in mouth
Stool large and dry and hard constipation stool at first heart then pasty then liquid
Mentally the patient is apprehensive fear of loss of reason Aversion to work or exertion
Aggravation is cold in every form. water
Better by dry climate and weather
Nux Vom
Nausea and vomitting with much belching ravenous hunger especially about a day before an attack of dyspepsia stomach very sensitive to pressure. dysPepsia from drinking strong coffee sour taste and nausea in the morning after eating
Constipation with the frequent ineffectual urging. feeling as a part remain unexpelled absence of all desire for defecation is a contradiction
Mentally the patient is very irritable sensitive to all impressions cannot wear noise odor and light doesn’t want to be touched
AGGRAVATION after eating spices, touch
Better in the evening from a nap
It is well suited to people who get dyspepsia due to Perinias and commentable food cabbage pills this is your number who says work food says sports, stool hard difficult small incomplete incomplete burning reputation rise only up to the foreign sphere they burn for hours
mentally the patient is very melancholy afraid to be alone. loss of self-confidence. hurried when eating and cannot read what he write’ weak memory
Aggravation 4 to 8:00 PM from eat
better by WARM food and drink by motion
It is beneficial to those who have a heavy uncomfortable feeling in the stomach which is accompanied by regurgitations
Belching of food bitter taste in Mouth, Nausea sensation of having a lung in the throat may be present
Aggravations by Fatty, rich food, Ice cream , pastries
It is the very best remedy for acid reflux disease with intense burning and acidic symptoms including heartburn and regulatations. sore belching and vomiting. intense hard burn
Aggravations when lying down