Do you feel unsatisfied after going to motion, or do you require a lot of Straining during the passing of  stool or  not able to clear Bowels every morning .This article will Explain to you about what is constipation what are the causes of constipation and the best homeopathic treatment for constipation

Constipation means less frequent  bowel movement less than three times a week or difficulty in passing tools or  straining, It happens most often due to changes in diet or routine or due to inadequate intake of fiber

What is constipation?

Less than three bowel movements in a week is technically the definition of constipation but how often you poop varies widely from person to person some people poop several times a day while others only put one or two times a week

Regardless of your bowel pattern one fact is certain: The longer you go before you poop the more difficult it becomes for poop to pass other The key feature that usually define constipation include

Your stools are dry and hard

You are bowel movement are painful and your stools are difficult to pass

You have a feeling that you haven’t fully emptied your  bowels

Causes of constipation

There are many causes of constipation including lifestyle factors medication and medical condition

  • Not eating enough fiber
  • Not getting enough exercise
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Changes in your regular routine for example traveling or eating or going to bed at different times
  • Stress
  • Consuming large amount of milk or cheese
  • Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement



No desire for stool requires great Straining constipation of infants and old people and in women of very sedentary habits .RECTUM is very inactive


Chronic constipation of old people never get done feeling and unsatisfactory emotion with frequent ineffectual desire to pass tool cannot pass tools when others are present


It is the very best remedy for Constipation, Stools are hard and round balls like sheep dunk hepatic and gallbladder disorders are usually present along with it


Never get done feeling. Little stool passes on each occasion and the desire remains.There  may be cutting COLIC before each stool which may be greenish slimy and bloody


Constipation during pregnancy is marked. Hard and knotty. Bleeding at stool with fullness of rectum large heart stools sensation of a ball in the rectum


Constipation of sexy ladies whose brain is mostly working on sexual matter and constipation after sexual  excess

 Asafoetida 3x

It is also  useful medicine for chronic constipation eruptions loud and difficult the pressure of the wind is always upward


10 to 15 drops in water acts as a laxative in constipation and restore normal function it is also useful as an intestinal tonic

Physiology Of Constipation

Constipation happens because your colon large intestine absorbs too much water from your poop s.

This rise out your coke making it hard in consistency and difficult to push out of your body. To back up a bit as food normally moves through your digestive tract due intestine gradually absorb the nutrients.

The partially digested food waste that passes from your small intestine to your large intestine becomes your poop.

Your colon absorb water from this waste which makes it more solid if you have constipation food may move too slowly through your digestive tract

This gives you a colon more time too much time to observe water from the  waste. The stool becomes dry hard and difficult to push out

Lifestyle tips to manage and prevent constipation

increase fluid intake and diet rich in fiber content Like fruit salads vegetable whole grain

Regular go for exercise can go a long way in curing constipation

A white low fiber food like milk processed food and also alcohol and caffeine

Take probiotics like yogurt

Never ignore the urge to pass stool

Frequently asked questions

Q-I passed hard stool with blood what would the cause be?

Passing high school with blood points towards two conditions anal pressures or piles

Q-Will exercise will treat my  constipation

physical activity of any kind can better your condition exercise helps stone up intestinal muscles and get rid of constipation

Q-Can our diet rich with fiber help in relieving constipation

A diet  reached in fiber will reduce constipation to a large extent but cure will require a proper treatment plant plan

Medicines works at the root level by treating the basic cause of constipation the cure is permanent and enduring

Q-Can homeopathy help?

Yes, homeopathy works on the root cause of the disease so the practitioner will take a detailed history and prescribe  medicine based on symptoms, and select your remedy.


I hope this article helps you a lot,if you have any queries feel  free to share with us








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