What is alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata is a condition where there is a loss of a patch of hair from some or all parts of the body.

The balding patterns linked with this disorder are generally small, round hairless patches on the scalp.

The hair loss might also happen as an overall thinning, as opposed to visible bald patches.

In severe cases, an individual might lose all the hair on her or his scalp and body Balding can go and come

Symptoms of Alopecia Areata 

A common symptom of Alopecia Areata is the loss of hair from some parts of the scalp.

These patches are usually the size of a coin and are often noticed accidentally.

Once you started noticing the first patch, within a few days, more patches start appearing on the scalp. And the main cause of the appearance of patches of Alopecia areata is some mental stress.

Studies have shown that stress and anxiety cause significant loss of hair.

Types of alopecia

The type of alopecia depends upon the area of the body involved in the disease process and also the cause of disease

  • Alopecia Areata

This type of alopecia is  common in children and young adults it is it is completely asymptomatic there is no itching redness scaling or scarring It starts as a small area and becomes bigger like  a Patch and increases for a week and remains constant for the next three months sometimes the hair regrow without any treatment but in some cases, the size of patch keeps on increasing

  • Alopecia totalis

In this type of alopecia, There is complete baldness or loss of hair on the entire  scalp

  • Alopecia Universalis

It is the rapid hair loss all over the entire body including scalp eyebrows eyelashes and other part of body

  • Androgenetic alopecia

It is commonly called male pattern barrels because it mostly occurs in males but never before puberty or in the transsexual, the females         can also acquire disease if they have produced an excess of androgenic hormones, have been treated with these drugs have androgen  receptors on their hair follicle

  • Traction alopecia
  1. It is caused by the damage of hair follicles and dermal papilla due to constant stretching of hair over a long period, therefore it often occurs  in persons who either wear tight braids or have styles like tight ponytails

 What is the best homeopathic treatment for Alopecia?

While you take a bath, do you see your hair collecting on the mesh of your bathroom drain or when you comb your hair, the hairbrush gets a bunch of hair entangled into it? Or you feel your hair becoming thinner or suddenly you realize that a patch of hair on your head has vanished. These are distressing signs, especially for women. The problem of hair loss is common in men and women of all ages, but people realize its gravity only when they find noticeable changes on their bodies or more commonly on the scalp. Our society has immense significance for the aesthetic aspects of hair, especially among women and their loss is bound to make a psychological impact on their psyche and this can lead to depression. But you need not worry.

Homeopathic Medicine for alopecia areata


The homeopathic medicine that is shown effective in alopecia areata cases is phosphorus. phosphorus works well in cases where persons suffer from loss of hair in patches. Along with hair loss dandruff on the scalp is also present in some cases there is itching on the scalp along with hair fall, phosphorus also seems to help cases of traction alopecia, In such  situation there is a receding hairline ,hair fall from the forehead is prominent a person needing phosphorus may crave cold drinks and ice cream

Fluoric acid

Fluoric acid is among the top-grade homeopathic remedies for alopecia areata floric acid helps in the regrowth of hair in bald patches floric acid is highly suitable medicine for hair fall after fever

vinca minor

It is another useful homeopathic medicine for alopecia aerata it works well in cases where there is a tendency for hair to fall in spots which are then replaced by white hair along with this itching and violent scratching over the scalp may also be present


Lycopodium is a natural remedy from plant club moss. It works well in recovering from bad patches that occur mainly on the top of the scalp, the person suffer from  burning sensation and itching on the scalp apart from this lycopodium is the leading medicine to treat premature greying of hair

Calc carb

The medicine can be used in cases where patchy hair loss is accompanied by increased sweating on the scalp .a cold  sensation on the scalp can also be felt, the scalp can be itchy as well


It is a useful remedy to make the hair darker and to grow hair rapidly it also helps to cure falling-off hair

Thymus serpyllum Q

It is useful tincture  for the regrowth of hair it can be used externally and internally

15 drop in one cup water two times a day


Although most types of alopecia have a genetic component to it, it does not necessarily mean that they will be passed from one generation to the next as there are many factors involved in the development of an autoimmune, skin or scalp condition. If you are concerned about your hair loss, consult with an online dermatologist, or find a dermatologist in your area to get treatment.


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